1864 Blog: Fall of Atlanta and Sherman´s March to the Sea
Dear Pa, Ma 3 year enlistment pereod is comin´ to a close , as it is for a lot of other Union soldiers. Heard dat 100,000 men have desided to go ahed and go home, but as much as I miss you, Harriet, and the kids, I think that I´m gonna stay and finish what I started here. We´ve suffered many casualties, nearly 65,000 sense the seven weeks after the beggining of May . People are startin´ to doubt ol´ Lincoln tho. God bless the poor man, I don´t know how he holds up amidst all this. Anyway, the other day I marched my troops into the city of Atlanta . It´s one of the few manyufacksuring hedquarters of the South and has a complex railroad depot too . It´s a miracle we were able to get into that big city so easily, heard all the troops had to evacuate the place after some costly battles. Wunce we took cuntrol of the city, we just started tramplin´ the whole dang city. We set houses aflame, ravaged plantations for food and supplies, and wreaked utter havoc on the hole place . ...