
Showing posts from April, 2019

1864 Blog: Fall of Atlanta and Sherman´s March to the Sea

Dear Pa, Ma 3 year enlistment pereod is comin´ to a close , as it is for a lot of other Union soldiers. Heard dat 100,000 men have desided to go ahed and go home, but as much as I miss you, Harriet, and the kids, I think that I´m gonna stay and finish what I started here. We´ve suffered many casualties, nearly 65,000 sense the seven weeks after the beggining of May . People are startin´ to doubt ol´ Lincoln tho. God bless the poor man, I don´t know how he holds up amidst all this.  Anyway, the other day I marched my troops into the city of Atlanta . It´s one of the few manyufacksuring hedquarters of the South and has a complex railroad depot too . It´s a miracle we were able to get into that big city so easily, heard all the troops had to evacuate the place after some costly battles. Wunce we took cuntrol of the city, we just started tramplin´ the whole dang city. We set houses aflame, ravaged plantations for food and supplies, and wreaked utter havoc on the hole place . ...


Dear Ma and Pa,         Another horrible battle ended today. We fought at Gettysburg for three days to keep the rebels from invading . We won but....we lost so many. There was so much fighting that a group of soldiers keeping the rebels from flanking us ran out of bullets and was forced to charge the fully armed rebels with bayonets . It's a terrible thing war is. But this battle was the is the worst . So bad we had to bury the dead on the field . So bad that president Lincoln came and gave a speech to remember the dead . I do hope this ends soon. I want to come home. I miss the farm. And the twins. I hope i can survive this hell. Love,     Herman

1863 Blog

1863 Blog

Dea r Rebecca, I over herd that o' Lincoln sining a document called da Emancipashon of Proclamashon, declarin all slaves free in rebellius states , which wont help becus da South ain't gonna get rid of all da slaves they hav. They began ta start da movment of stoping da evil slavery in the United States. I hope our president can figur it out soon. Ain't njo one want this. I went to da battel at Chancellorville and da general Robert battl our general Joseph for four days. Oh how borin that was! lee may hav won, but his right hand man Jackson got shot by his own men, what a buffoon! Lee made his dumbest win, and now he has ta win without da smart Jackson. On Octoba 3, 1863, the Abraham lincon issued Thanksgiving for us tired soldas. It help us counts all our blessins of da past yeer, and reminds us da tradition with da Pilgrims from 250 yeers ago. It givs me joy that our president cares that we hav a family to be thankful for, and that givs me the courag to fight fo...

1863 letter

          Dear my beluved wife,     I am soo sorry for the tragedi that just occured in our hometown Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. That 3 days batle was soo horific, especialy when on where we grew up. Day one started very innocently, but evolved into terror very quickly. It literaly started as a clash over shoes on the Northwest section of out town . When I heard this news, I was soo worrid for u and our luvly children when i ntense fighting took place as reinforceementss arrivied. The Union had to be pushed bac into our town, but they still held the high groundd by the end of da first day.     The second and third day waz soo brutal and harsh. I am a field hospital orderly soo I waz just helping many injured soldiers. Once a soldier was wounded, medical personel on the battlefield would bandagee 'em up as fast as they could, gave whiskey to ease the wound and morphine. Then, they would be taken to the field hospital and seperated into 3 c...

Battle of Gettysburg


Battle of Antietam


1862 blog

Dear Mama, i no u r veri worried abot me and i am fin. but da unin and da feds both had a batl on da see with da 2 iron giants but it waz a ti. it waz onli 2 hours long at da cost of virgina . i relly mis u and pops. everi tim i cloz mi eyes i think dat at da end ov da day i wil go hom to see u and pops and all mi brothrs and sisters and we will eat at the table and b hapi dat we r aliv. i hav seen a lot ov dings wile i am in da armi and i think da batls get worz and worz. in da batl ov Shiloh i hav nevr sen so much blod everi wer. i fel lik everi 1 dat i no from da armi is ded or almost ded and i wish i can back out ov dis. even tho we, da unin, won da batl of Shiloh , i nevr thot dat war waz panful and scari and i want u to b prod ov mi but i am scared dat i wil not see your fas or pops fas. i luv u no matr wat and i no dat i wil stai strong during dis war. we r so cloz and if i hold on tite den we wil win. luv, james richardson

1862 Blog

            Dear ma and pa, Today our commander in chief was fired. Commander McClellan was fired from his position as commander in chief for poor strategy and insubordination in the battle of Antietam. I fought under him in the battle and i have to agree with Mr. Lincoln's decision. Mr. McClellan's attack strategies almost got me killed many times, but our armies still prevailed and pushed the rebels out of our land. We could have ended the war and pushed to Richmond but McClellan refused to move our troops. Mr. Lincoln even came all the way out (I got to see him) here to tell McClellan to finish the rebels off. McClellan told the president outright that he wouldn't do it. Mr. Lincoln left looking pretty upset. I don't blame him. McClellan has made this war go on far longer than it has too and it's costing many men their lives. I do hope this ends soon. I miss the farm. I miss the twins. This war is ugly. Men are torn by bullets all round me. I want to ...

1862 Blog

1862 Blog

Dear Father, It is late September now. We had the most insane, bloody battle at Antietam the other day. It all started when dat General Lee decided to invade northern territory . But General McClellan was ready to rush when he came. Apparently he found Lee´s operational plans wrapped around 3 ol cigars ! Ha! Crazy aint it?! So then we ended up in this place, around like the West Woods, Dunker Church, and some cornfields . The cornfield changed hands six times , it was crazy! We had some chances to take control of the battle but dem Union leaders kept getting shot down and it was utter chaos! I got shot once myself, right in the side, and it bit like hell. I got myself up tho and tried to keep control of my troops but there´s only so much a man can do when it´s uttter chao with a bunch o´stinkin teenagers running ´round without the faintest idea what to do.  Then the battle shifted and them graybacks moved into this ol sunken road . They lined up in it and whenever we tri...

1861 Blog

Dear brother James, My enlistmen has been going very fast, and my old pres abe lincon ask for 75000 thosan peepal. Da border states r not happy with our army, but lincon needs an army for da fight wit da South. I herd many rumors abot stories talking how bad our pres is. I know he is very new to da pres spot, but we need da strong person leading us. Some of ma fellow privates saw da first kills in Baltimore , maching from Massachusetts ta da capitel . 11 bodys ded  on da city, and lincon aint doin anythin to fix dat. We need da pres to help da borda states to join us. DA battal of Bull Run was a terribel defeet, with da South winnin da first major battel , and dat dey mad fun of us by eatin our food . Da north is not doin enof work to beat da South. On August 5, da Congress created da 1st incom tax to rais revenew for da government .  800 dowas a yeer  we hav ta pay, and it helps us pay for da ...

1861 Blog

Dear Pops,      i hav servivd anothr day ov da armi. u told me to fite 4 wats rite and i caried dat along with me into dis war. i now dat da stor is hard to run wen i am not arond . i fot my 1st batle cald bull run. we thot dat we wood win at 1st but mor men cam and den da skrem cam and peple cam runing . i coldnt stay withot dieing. i hav sen wat bulets hav don to men and i was to skard dat i was going to be next. i hop dat u r not disapoted in me. we wer fiting to get da ralrod plas from da south . anyway i now u herd abot da new tax but it is da onli way to get moni 4 da war. + with da new genral, george mcclellan we r 4 shor gonna win. plez rite as much as u can i ned al da reding i can get. and i mit hav tuk sum fud from sum solder but i ned al da fud i can get. Luv, James Richardson

1861 blog


Dear ma and pa, I participated in the battle of bull run. I didnt think id see action this early. we thought it would be easy but we were wrong. The north had lower numbers but they knew what they were doing. The union thinks they did so well because of a spy. they made a long line of soldiers. we were very confident so i stopped and sat down for a while. we attacked the left side of the confederate army but  the middle held strong. Then all of a sudden the confederacy attacked us back. more of their troops appeared out of nowhere. our army all turned and ran. i ran too. i ran all the way back to d.c. we lost. i never have seen so many deaths. maybe this wont be so easy. maybe we could lose. i will try my hardest to not let you down. Love-      Herman                  

1861 Blog

Dear Father, The year has gone by in a breeze. Earlier this April, the Union had to surender Ft. Sumter so  Prezident Lincoln called for 75,000 volontears .  So I enlisted in the armi, you know, gotta lend an ol´ neybor a hand when he needs one. I hope that you will suport my decisioun to join him and his forses. I beleeve that I am doing the rite ting for our family and the cuntry. I promis to fite hard just like you have always taut me and work to keep them slaves out of Illinois! This war ´ill be a breeze!  A few days later I hurd that stuf was goin down in Baltimore . Heard der was 11 deaths total! An it didn't even happen in battle, pa; it was just some o´ Lincoln´s troops coming down from Massachusetts towards D.C. when these crazy guys from Baltimore tried to stop ´em . An´ den both sides shooted at each other . Looks like ol´ Abeś not gonna get any help from dem border states, dats for sure!  Sence then ,it´s been pretty chill round cam...


Dear ma and pa, I enlisted in the army today. I know you need help on the farm but its for a good cause. I know i need to take care of the twins but this is important to me. If the south isn't brought back our farm will fail. This is for the best. I will return to Fort Wayne once this is all over. This shouldn't be too long, after all, they are just rednecks. And this is an opportunity for me to explore. I've never been far from the farm after all. This really is a benefit to everyone. Love,              Herman


                         April 25, 1865                     Dear my bettest wife, Elizabeth,              It only have been a few day since i left you and da kids and i am already missed you guys soo much. I got enlisted as a Corporal , and my name is oficaly  Corporal Frank Hill , i feel soo good with that name. I am now a field hospital orderly , thank God because i get to help our proud country, but  i refuse to carry a gun no matter what. How is our kids doing? Are they helpin you with the dirt farm job and everyday work? i'm so sorry for leaving you to take care of our two daughters and two sons , especialy  Francis . Tell Francis to not b worry about me leavin.  God  have cho...

Ma dear Rebecca,

Ma dear Rebecca, i had just got enlisted in da Union army as a private , and i had alredy missed yall.  i am sorry for da short leta and Rebecca please take care of ma 3 sons . i must do dis for ma contry becas  slavery is rong , and that da army needs a folk like me around. i believe in da new pres abe lincon that we need to keep da Negros in da South . Make sure you also wach my brother James because i hav been workin on the farm with him . Our tiny town Middleton, Ohio needs all da protection we could get, and even though war is bad, ma good characta  will not stop me from portecting da land of da free. da whites in our contry must stop da negros from comin to da north and wach dose fiesty  hogs in da farm  for me Rebecca. i can not wait for dat delicisus corned beef you would always make. I wish to make my  coporal Thomas Norton prod. With all ma love, Robe...

Dear, Mama

May, 16 1861 Dear, Mama           i am sorry dat i had to leave u to join da army but i had to do da right thing. i now dat it is hard for u to take care of 5 girls and 6 boys not including pops and i wish i could be dare helping u. but my job is just to keep the slaves from the north but dont worry i wont let dem take our jobs . i had to volenteer to help our loved prez, Lincoln, he neded 75,000 troops . i now dat we can win dis war we have many addvantages like having more states on our side and we r welthyer den da south. i relly miss being arond u and pops but i now dat u r proud of me. i will tri and rite to u every day but it gets very busy for me in da army. i bet u r glad to see my letter and to no dat i am okay and waz not in baltimore at da riot but dare are some peeps dat r not so lucky .  i miss u mama and pops 2. i cant wait to go home and see u along with my siblings, and dont wory i will make it back to u and pops. love, ...


beluved harriet, i hav just enlisted in da army and am jus starting to settle in. I am so sorry i had to leav you and all the six children behind but I beleev that i am doing  da right ting for us and r cuntry. i will fite to keep slavry rite wer it is .   We have wurked so hard to git here frum Ireland an´ i am triieng so hard giv u da life we wunted here in ´merica. I tink fiting in dis war is da onely way to keep a hold uf mi job an´ everithing we have  accomplished so far . but don´t worry ,sweet harriet, iĺl fite with everyding i got jus like i always promissed. we will not regret enlisting wen da army; i will cum out of dis war and we will liv da life we hav always dreemed of. besides, i will b fiting with r old naybor, abe lincoln, ´member him? caint hardly beleev a prezident of da u.s. came frum ar ol´street! take care sweet heart, an´ tel da children i luv dem very much. i mis u an´ caint wait to see u again an´ eet dat delicous irish stew u make. with...