April 25, 1865
Dear my bettest wife, Elizabeth,
It only have been a few day since i left you and da kids and i am already missed you guys soo much. I got enlisted as a Corporal, and my name is oficaly Corporal Frank Hill, i feel soo good with that name. I am now a field hospital orderly, thank God because i get to help our proud country, but i refuse to carry a gun no matter what. How is our kids doing? Are they helpin you with the dirt farm job and everyday work? i'm so sorry for leaving you to take care of our two daughters and two sons, especialy Francis. Tell Francis to not b worry about me leavin. God have chosen me to do the good things in life and for our own country, and i think he also placed me in a hospital because God know that i will not do good in the battlefield. I might hate violences, even that being used to free the slaves, but helping the country is important in mi lif. I know that you think the war is morally wrong, but put slavery abuve it for everyone in the Union. I would like to also introduce you to my regiment. These are da most nice people that i have work with. My commander is Thomas Norton, a worker from illinois, who is a very hard workin man. Da other people in my regimen include James Richardson, Robert Hansen, and Herman Hammond. Do not be worri about me fighting in the war, just know that God will be by mi side and protech me from the danger that is about to come. Sorry if i am bein very religious, but God is what i look to in my everyday lif as a man, and now as a soldier. you know that i am quiet and meek, but this time i will try too send u mor letters fore you to not b worry about me. Tell da family members in our hometown, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania dat i will b fine. And take care of urself and da kids while im gone, you are da hardest working women i've ever known and i know u will survive without me.
I luv u from da bottom of my heart,
Frank Hill
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