1861 Blog

Dear brother James,

My enlistmen has been going very fast, and my old pres abe lincon ask for 75000 thosan peepal. Da border states r not happy with our army, but lincon needs an army for da fight wit da South. I herd many rumors abot stories talking how bad our pres is. I know he is very new to da pres spot, but we need da strong person leading us.

Some of ma fellow privates saw da first kills in Baltimore, maching from Massachusetts ta da capitel. 11 bodys ded on da city, and lincon aint doin anythin to fix dat. We need da pres to help da borda states to join us.

DA battal of Bull Run was a terribel defeet, with da South winnin da first major battel, and dat dey mad fun of us by eatin our food. Da north is not doin enof work to beat da South.

On August 5, da Congress created da 1st incom tax to rais revenew for da government800 dowas a yeer we hav ta pay, and it helps us pay for da war.

We replac our old general Winfield Scottas to da George McClellan, and is youthful, self contain, and vigoros. He turn da army of Potomac inta a elit force that may beet da best South army. I hop that we do well wit da new young leader.

Brotha James, I need you ta reming ma wif to mak me da delicius appal pie that she makes me all da time. Tell her ta put da right amont of flour, 2.5 cups flours ta be exact, and 1 teaspoon of salt. Notha one an a half butta, and ice wata ta make da dough. Fill it up with big green appals with sugar, cinamon, utmeg, lemon, and bake dat right up! Da flakiness of da dough, and the tartiness of appals makes me wanna qit da job and com home for some. I wish yall a grate day and a happy evening James.

Lov, Robert Hansen


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